We build things!

Not Before Nine provides solution driven software, developed to meet our clients’ specific business needs. 

Solution driven software

What we do

We take your unique requirements, translate and interpret these technically, allowing us to develop a technology solution intrinsically suited to your business needs.

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Software & Application Development

If “off-the-shelf” products don’t meet your needs, we can develop a unique solution for your business.

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Cloud Hosting & Managed Services

We provide both Windows and Linux cloud hosting, including management and migration services.

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IT Consulting & Support

Our team offers solution architecture services to help solve your business hardware or software challenges.

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Website Development

Our dedicated team will build you an effective website that enhances your business.

Who we are 

We provide solution driven software, developed to meet your specific business needs.

We design software solutions for online deployment.

We are a team of nerds who make things happen for your business. If you need your business to capture, interact with or deliver information online we can design the software solution to make that happen.

Our mission for developing tailored software solutions

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop tailored solutions to enhance your business. Whether it is developing customised “greenfield” applications or enhancing the capabilities of your current software.  We work closely with your organisation to solve your technology roadblocks and implement solutions to achieve your goals.

Our vision is providing cost effective software solutions

Our Vision

We pride ourselves on delivering cost-effective software development solutions that meet client requirements and business goals. In short, we provide simple solutions to complex problems.

How we do it

Not Before Nine will work with you to develop a tailored solution that will optimise both your workflow and productivity.

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Project Discovery

We take time to understand your business, its processes and the intended purpose of the proposed solution. Once we understand the scope of the project, we will work with you to outline specific features that we intend to build. When you are happy with the project design we can move to the development stage.

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Our highly skilled team work towards turning your vision into reality by building your application in accordance with the requirements we have confirmed. We work collaboratively with your key users to develop a solution that’s fit for purpose.

Our development process
Testing your solution icon


To ensure your solution is ready to be integrated, we work with your key users to test and debug the application in a test environment. This allows us to fine-tune the application so you can feel confident in its deployment.

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Once completed and ready for deployment, we work with you to ensure your solution operates in the required environment. Alternatively, we can assist with external cloud hosting and management. To make sure you get the most our of your new solutions we can also assist with the development of training and training materials.

Stats for nerds

We love numbers!

Years Experience


Happy Clients

Shots of Coffees

Our current brew
Fueled by caffeine

What’s brewing

Soar by Veneziano

Blend composition:

  • 50% Colombia Coocentral
  • 25% Guatemala El Boqueron
  • 25% Ethiopia Worka
How In Out Time
Black 21g 40g 26s
Milk 22g 36g 24s

Happy clients 

Don’t take our word for it. Hear what some of our clients have to say.


Tim really is a solutions provider. He has implemented a number of web based systems in to my business that have provided us not only with efficiency but a competitive advantage over our competitors. Our web based job management system has saved me hiring numerous extra administration staff and provided ease of communication with our clients and our sub-contractors.

I highly recommend Tim to any business looking to streamline their operating systems. He is innovative, personable and provides an excellent value for money service.

Grant WechselFounder & Chairman MWG Mining



Not Before Nine, has been providing assistance to our business for the past 4 years. What stands Tim and the team out from other business support suppliers is their dedication, enthusiasm, talent and ‘care factor’.

Melanie Scott-Power, Director Your Commercial